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Business Trip
Kalibia Studio
KALIBIA Studio In the famous parties of Dionysus takes part also Kalibia. This same-named residence is located at the northwest end of the complex. Kalibia looks at the sides of mountain Petalo, which gives its valuable shadow in the residence, and the necessary freshness to the guests.
MYRTO Myrto belongs also to Mainades’ group who accompanied god Dionysus on his crazy journeys. Myrto maisonette is at the east end of the Mainades complex. It has two balconies that look at the sea, offering to their guest unique pictures with the capital of Andros standing out in the horizon.
Steropi Studio
STEROPI Studio The group of Mainades joins also Steropi. The maisonette with her name matches with the environment – along with the rest of the house complex – through its soft earthly colours. With dominating the picture of green and next to the neighbouring water stream offers to the guest moments of true serenity.
Me and my partner returned from an extended trip to Greece, during which we stayed at Mainades in Andros. I have to say it was one of the highlights of our trip. The room was fantastic, yet very tastefully decorated and clean and we have breathtaking views to the sea. I highly recommend mainades hotel to anyone.
We stayed at Mainades Maisonettes in July 13. The hotel staff is very friendly and hospitable. The property is well located 4 min. drive outside town with a good view. The maisonettes are well equipped with all necessary amenities, quiet, clean and tastefully decorated. I highly recommend the Mainades for holidays in Andros.
Beautiful, well-preserved rooms, very clean, have everything you may need for a few days (the kitchen has almost everything a normal household does, there was even an ironing board, a cloth spreader, a bubble bath) .The owners have taken care of everything (water in the fridge, basic materials to prepeare a breakfast) and welcome you with their own local sweet. The breakfast basket very delicious (hot rolls, home-made jam and perfect spits with spirulina), I highly recommend it. Generally they were available at any time, even a problem with the water in the wider area which affected the rooms was arranged in the best possible way.